Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The little babies keep on getting sick because there is no food and it is cold and they do not have proper shelter. I WOULD DO EVERYTHING THAT I CAN IF I WAS THOSE KIDS MOTHER I WOULD CUDDLE WITH THEM AND MAKE THEM WARM. WHEN I SAY ANYTHING I MEAN EVERYTHING. She kept on having kids. He would not stop drinking,
You do everything that is possible to take care of your children. I think money can help the family they already have love. I also think no more sex will help the family. Yes because no one wants to help.
How is the poverty in America different from the Poverty shown in Angela's Ashes? What advice would you give to this family?
My advice it no more sex and do everything you can to take care of those kids.
Living in Poverty
June 2,2009
Literacy - 702
How old is the main character at the start of the movie? The main charcter is 5 going on 6.
How many siblings does he have? The sibbing he has is one and another on the way.
What happens when the father tries to get a job? The man tells him no.
What awoke the kids in the middle of the night? Flees
What happens to both of the twin boys? The died.
What does the father do to Eugene's coffin that upsets the main character?
Based on the movie, who do poor people turn to for help when they are going through rough times? A statue.
- No clean clothes
- used stuff
- and death
The main character's father is an alcoholic, what type of conflict is this? Why? (Person Vs. Self, Person Vs. Person, or Person Vs. Society).
Living in Poverty
June 2,2009
Literacy - 702
How old is the main character at the start of the movie? The main charcter is 5 going on 6.
How many siblings does he have? The sibbing he has is one and another on the way.
What happens when the father tries to get a job? The man tells him no.
What awoke the kids in the middle of the night? Flees
What happens to both of the twin boys? The died.
What does the father do to Eugene's coffin that upsets the main character?
Based on the movie, who do poor people turn to for help when they are going through rough times? A statue.
- No clean clothes
- used stuff
- and death
The main character's father is an alcoholic, what type of conflict is this? Why? (Person Vs. Self, Person Vs. Person, or Person Vs. Society).
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1,2009
It was actually fun working in a group because I was working with my friends and they played a lot but we seemed to get our work done. The best part of working in a group was that we had fun but got all of our work done. The best part of the project was that is was a movie and I am good on being on the camera. The worst part was when the voice of the movie kept on going away but I hope to do a movie again.
Friday, May 29, 2009
What I Liked About Career Day
Math - 702
Some things I enjoyed on Career day is that I got to meet a food producer. I never thought I would meet someone like that. I think I am more interested in being a food producer because I love food and it seems like fun. I don't know I am satisfied with anything that is fun.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What I learned From Career Day
May 28,2009
The name of my presenter is Adrienne Austin. She is a lawyer when she first started out in her career she was working in criminal Justis she is no longer in the court room she is more with the papers. I enjoyed a lot of things about a lawyer.
What I learned From Career Day
May 28,2009
The name of my presenter is Elina Brown. Elina is a producer she works Emeril live and Emeril goes green these are cooking shows when you learn how to cook or watch for fun or just because you like food. The career I learned about was producing on FOOD NETWORK. There are three steps. 1: You have to brainstorm 2: You have to Edit the 3: thing is to get it out on TV. I liked the fact the she was nice and fun she actually had us sitting there and listening. Elina Brown is smart and she was fun if she was one of my teachers I would never fall asleep.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I felt like two of them where boring and had no life into it. I think they needed more detail and more focus with less fun. I think my video was the best because I know that my group had a lot ofenergy and we put a lot of effort and we was being our selves. I enjoyed mine the most because it really made me laugh and I don't really laugh at my self. My advice to everyone is to just be your self don;t try to change and you video will be like an every day thing to you just add a few adjustments. I think that if some one never read the book monster they would have complete over standing of the book. I will just add a few adjustments.
I felt like two of them where boring and had no life into it. I think they needed more detail and more focus with less fun. I think my video was the best because I know that my group had a lot ofenergy and we put a lot of effort and we was being our selves. I enjoyed mine the most because it really made me laugh and I don't really laugh at my self. My advice to everyone is to just be your self don;t try to change and you video will be like an every day thing to you just add a few adjustments. I think that if some one never read the book monster they would have complete over standing of the book. I will just add a few adjustments.
I felt like two of them where boring and had no life into it. I think they needed more detail and more focus with less fun. I think my video was the best because I know that my group had a lot ofenergy and we put a lot of effort and we was being our selves. I enjoyed mine the most because it really made me laugh and I don't really laugh at my self. My advice to everyone is to just be your self don;t try to change and you video will be like an every day thing to you just add a few adjustments. I think that if some one never read the book monster they would have complete over standing of the book. I will just add a few adjustments.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Human Rights
1. What article did you choose? The article I picked article 24
2. What does this article say in your own words?
- Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
3. What rights are described in this article?
4. Why do you find this article important? I find it important because to me it is making things seem like we have an equal share or rights and to me this is how I can speak my mind and tell how I feel.
5. In what ways do you think this right could be broken? I think rights can be broken by people not having an equal share of it.
6. Create a situation in which the right in this article is broken. How could someone not follow this right? What would happen to act against someone's human right? Describe how the people might feel.
No one has no equal rights everyone people is put down for what they believe and causes peer preasure is that what you call human rights.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Math, Dot2Dot Career Day 3 Careers I am Interested In
Chef - I want to research being a chef because I love to cook and I would love to make a living off of being a chef. I really know how to make things look and sound educate.
Journalist - I would love to research being a journalist because I love to write stories and I can really edit things and make it sound sophisticated.
Daycare - I would like to research being an owner of a daycare center because I love children. I have 7 brothers and sisters and 6 living with me, When my mother and father are tired of doing all the kid stuff I take over and change the dipper and make the bottles. So I think that I got the tip of taking care of children. Oh and I don't think that any baby can beat my baby brother in crying.
Math, Dot2Dot Career Day
Why do I have to think about a career now?
I think that we are thinking about careers right now because it is better for children our age to be ready for our future because later in life children our age give up on there lives, There dreams. It is great to focus on it now. I think this project is going to help us by making us more self conscience about our lives. I have been thinking about my future a lot I have been thinking about how much I would love to do something like being a chef an journalist or even taking care of young children. I have a future and I will make it happen.
Is Steve Harmon Guily of Innocent
May 5,2009
I think that Steve Harmon is innocent. I think the reason why he is locked up because he wanted to be bad like the other guys and make people terrified of him , He was maybe able to get what ever he wanted just by being with these friends. Steve Harmon to me had nothing to do with crime, Like I said he was with the wrong crew, And the ended up getting him in trouble. I don't think that Steve Harmon knows Bobo I think that is Kings friend being that King and Steve were friends and Bobo and King made it seem like that they knew each other. But other from that I think that Bobo and Steve doesn't know each other. I THINK THAT STEVE IS WITH PEOPLE LIKE KING AND OLSAVDO BECAUSE HE WANTED PEOPLE TO BE SCARED OF HIM OR WANTED MORE RESPECT.
Steve was influenced by some bad guys. Maybe Steve was not getting enough attention. I really don't think that he should have been with those boys because the way how his mother was so curious about the day he was going away it sounded like she cares and it all so sounds like she is the only one who believes that he is not guilty.
Steve Harmon had some bad advice and he took the chance to be a bad boy. That is why people say think before you act because Steve Harmon made a terrible chose and now he is a terrible place.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Math, Dot2Dot Career Day
Math, Dot2Dot Career Day
My name is Marijo and this is my reflection. I am a very generous about things, I love to play sports and listen to music and I love to act many people say that I am good at it. I can’t sing, but I know that I can rap and I love to do these activities. I am a very progressive person. People tell me that I like to see things progress and I think that they are right about that. I love to see change.
I read my renzulli article about me and what I read from it sounds like me. I love the fact of how it explained all of my acheevments and my dreams and what I love to do. I was not impressed with anything because well that is how I would describe my self. The things that I read about me is how I love to act and love music and play sports that sounds just like me and I love the way how I am just me. I think if some one reads it they would think you know wow, This kid is serious about her life and what she would love to do.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Profile Math class and Career Day
Marijo's second area of interest appears to be in foreign language, as she seems to want to learn another language, explore other cultures, and visit other countries.
Marijo's third area of interest appears to be in athletics. She seems to like physical activity and may be interested in learning about sports, nutrition, physical therapy, or sports medicine.
Marijo also has specific preferred instructional styles. Learning or instructional styles are the ways students like to learn and the strategies parents and teachers use to help them learn. Marijo has very clearly defined learning preferences. Her preferred instructional style is through independent study in a topic of choice. Although she does like working independently, Marijo may be interested in sharing some responsibilities for this project with a small group of other interested students. It may be necessary for her teachers or other adults to help her with this independent work, as the final work may result in an advanced product, such as an experiment, a video, a service, a technology product such as a powerpoint, or an oral presentation. Her second choice of learning style is technology that helps her to learn by using various interactive multi-media devices and Internet content. Marijo also enjoys discussions that happen when two or more students talk with their teacher or in small groups about issues and topics by discussing facts and opinions and discussing them.
Marijo also has a preferred product style. That is, she has certain kinds of products that she likes to complete. Her first product choice is musical. She enjoys listening, playing, and/or thinking about various forms of music. Her second choice of product style is dramatic. She enjoys participating in theatrical performances, such as acting and role-playing. Marijo's third choice of product style is audio-visual/display. She enjoys organizing attractive arrangements of objects, and/or likes to work on displaying information on boards or posters. She also may enjoy organizing materials and designing diagrams to visually display information.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Being What You Are

Marijo Alves
April 27.2009
Am I wrong for being me I am I wrong for being black. Today in class we were asked... well, we was asked if we have ever experienced RACISM. My answer had to be no. But have I have ever experienced prejudice yes I have because once in fifth grade I have been sitting in my class room and well I knew a boy named Kymani he was being Prejudice he was black and told me that he does not like black people. I was angry but I wouldn't do anything about it because it is funny tht someone says that. I feel like I have over come a lot of things ever since that day happen.
I the book monster in the trial with Steve was not fair because he is black and young... so of course he is in trouble and up for being killed or staying in jail for life.
Calgary , Alberta Canada
April 27,2009
I am going to Calgary , Alberta Canada. I am going to get there by a plane. I will spend 5 days and it will take 4 hrs 40 mins. They speak English and French. I am going to my brothers in laws house. 1 Canadian dollar = 0.990589 U.S. dollars. I AM GOING TO STAY TO MY BROTHER IN LAWS HOUSE. I am going to see my family go shopping and play play in the wrestling ring. What reservations do you need to make for these places? None it is family.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Name Calling!
April 24,2009
I think that people should not call people names because it causes people to think bad about them selves. But I do think that it was some of his friends because he did not pick his friends wisely. If he had more sense to not be there then I think he would of made it alive.
When you call people named it affects them and makes them feel wrong about them selves. I know sometimes people might get annoying and get you angry but people bully because they might be living a bad life or feel bad about them selves.
I over stand that a lot of people yes a lot of people take suicide on them selves. Then when they die the person that was teasing them now feels sorry for them and wish it can be undone. So here is my advice think be for you acted because it is not good to talk about people or call them names. CHOOSE YOU FRIENDS WISELY AND DON'T TEASE ANY ONE; DON'T SAY THINGS WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO END UP APOLOGISING.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
social studies
Do Now: Answer the following multiple choice question:
Which fundamental political idea is expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
The government should guarantee every citizen economic security. X
The central government and state governments should have equal power. X
If the government denies its people certain basic rights, that government can be overthrown. Y
Rulers derive their right to govern from God and are therefore bound to govern in the nation’s best interest X
What is a primary source? Something that was written when the event occurred.
Why is it important? Helps us understand the point of the points of views of people then
DBQ's on the Declaration of Independence:
Who wrote it? Thomas Jefferson
When was it "adopted"? July 4, 1776
Why did they write it? To list reasons why the colonist should be independent from England
What is the reason for it now? Moral documents for the rights of people.
What is a preamble? The aim or directions of the document.
1. Read the questions.
2. Read the text.
3. Answer the questions.
Introduction to the Declaration of Independence:
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
What is the title? Declaration of Independence
When was it written? 1776
For what audience was the document written? King George III
Based on this document, what do the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle" people to? A separating and equal station
According to this document, why should people declare why they are separating?
Why would it be necessary to "dissolve the political bands" which connect people? Wars, taxes no respect breaking humans rights.
Directions: Complete this DBQ by reading the text and answering the questions.
Preamble to the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
What is the title? Preamble to the Declaration of Independence
When was it written? 1776
For what audience was the document written? Liberty
Based on this document, list the three "unalienable Rights" guaranteed to people. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
According to this document, why are governments created and where do they get their power? They got there power from safty and happinest.
Based on this document, state what people are allowed to do "whenever any Form of government becomes destructive" of these ends.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
In class I have been learning about proportions to find the answer we had to cross multiply. That way was better and not that confusing, Cross multiplying is easier for me because it makes tings more organized and easier for you to solve.
2 x
-- = ---
3 12 ; 2x = 36; x = 18.
There is a lot of things wrong with this. First of all the problem is disorganized. First she needs to cross multiply. 12 x 2= 24 so your problem should now look like this. 3x = 24 no you do inverse operation instead of multiplying you do the opposite divide. 24/3 equals 8 so x equals 8.
If you don't understand here is another problem for you.
6:45 and 2:15 are ratios but you can make them into fractions.
6 2
--- = ---
45 15
now we are going to find out weather this is proportional or not.
First you have to cross multiply. 15 x 6 =90
45 x 2 = 90 theses are equal, So yes these ratios are proportional.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
"Your dog is so old the devil said I don't have any space for her,
Your dog is so ugly god wanted his time back."
People use it to make things sound funny and they just over exaggerate. Everyday people use it like his feet is as big as a boat you know. I have learned these Metaphor
Figurative Language
But lets not forget about hyperbole and how fun it might be. My favorite is all I can say.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The games
The game that I enjoyed the most was called Wizard poetry. In this game I studied the following skills of rhyming and alliteration. In order to win this game I had to know what alliteration meant. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was it testing my skills. My partner was Teresa Santiago. She did not beat me in any of these games I won them all.
The game that I enjoyed the 2nd most was called Pirate Spelling . In this game I studied the following skills rhyming. In order to win this game I had to you had to rhyme. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was helping the pirate help his pirate learn how to spell. My partner was Teresa she still didn't make it up to this game.
The game that I least enjoyed was called Metaphor quiz. In this game I studied the following skills Metaphors and Similes. In order to win this game I had to know metaphor and similes. The thing I least enjoyed about this game was it was a quiz . My partner was Teresa and once again no she did not make it.
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Persuasive Essay
The Literacy Games
The figurative language game that I enjoyed the most was the figurative language games. I enjoyed it because it was fun and the dog was cute the sound effects made you really happy to know that you were winning. In order to win I had to know the difference between a simile a metaphor, Onomatopoeia and Al iteration and Personification. My score was always 100%. I played against Desire Ramos In order to play this game you have to go to this link figurative language game. and down load it.
Another figurative language game that I played was create a metaphor! . I felt that this game was a little boring and it was being a cheater and bit. In order to win I had to drag words and make it into a metaphor.
My Score was 100%. . My partner's score was 100%. In order to play this game you have to go to this link create a metaphor!
The figurative language game that I liked the least was Simile Quiz . I felt that this game was boring because it was a quiz I don't like to take quiz.
In order to win this game I had to put in the right thing like what is comparing what to what like that. My score was 100% . My partner's score was 100%. In order to win this game I had to get all of the questions right. If you would like to play this game go to Simile Quiz .
Monday, March 23, 2009
I remember

Instant I Remember Poem
I remember When winter was here
I remember now that spring is here
I remember the cool rain
and the weird snow and sometimes
I remember the freezing feet
I remember freezing at home
I remember yea being Marijo
even stealing the show
I remember That I am Marijo
But my favorite memory’s yet to come

Mean, Smart,Funny,Loud
Sibling of Jamela, Malachi, Zekiel,Cleopatra, Rhoan, Akeem
Lover of Mommy, Daddy, Peter Tosh, Bob Marley, Bunny Wailer, Jacub Miller
Who needs Help with anger
Who gives Help to all those who needs me
Who would like to see Peace in the world and people stop killing one another
Resident of Brooklyn N,Y
multiply exponents
T-mobile charges $34.99 a month for phone service. They also charge $0.48 per minute for long distance calls. If Joshua's bill was $64.75, how many minutes of long distance calls did she make?
Part A - Write an equation that can be used to solve the problem.
Equation: ________________________
Part B - Solve your equation and answer the question in a complete
In this math problem I determined my answer by doing an equation and then I subtracted 34.99 from 64.79 then I divided 0.48 from the answer 29.76 and I got 62 that is how I got my answer.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bronx Masquerade
What I Want To Be
I am better than the cars that pass by
Man you should know
I am make the cars go VROOM or even ZOOM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Native Americans
A young lady- Limiark
Who would sit on the road eating stew
I don't know if I will stay
You can come anyway
Then we'll eat dessert at the zoo
Imergy Secrets that are told
If you think hard enough you might see me everywhere.
I know that I have a better birds eye view
but if you look close my eyes look blue
welcome to my world that is yellow and black
from you arrive here you ain't going back.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Not Gonna Give it up
I'ma not gonna give it give it up i'm not gonna
I will be fighting and I gotta be fighting I must to be fighting
to Africa where Africans are free
Sometimes people want me to give it up
But I will fighting and you will not stop me from fighting
I will be turned away but keep on coming back
Until you fall on your knees
I'ma not gonna give it give it up i'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up i'm not gonna
I will be fighting and I gotta be fighting I must to be fighting
to Africa where Africans are free
Africa is the richest place
But it has the poorest race
And to me it is just a disgrace
Just a disgrace
That is why I'm not
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I will be fighting and I gotta be fighting I must to be fighting
to Africa where Africans are free
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I will be fighting and I gotta be fighting I must to be fighting
to Africa where Africans are free
To be poor is an awful pain
Sometimes I feel like I am trapped in Chains
And I get so mad it is in my Brain
Am I to blame
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not
I'ma not
I'ma not
I'ma not
I'm not gonna give it up I'm not gooo
I'ma not
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
I'ma not gonna give it give it up I'm not gonna
Fighting, Fighting
Simmer Down
Simmer Down
Simmer Down
Simmer Down
Simmer Down
Don't you here I think you should
Simmer down and dance to the beat
When you here the music you will cheat
I will pass that test and hang on with the rest
All you have to do is simmer down
uh one more time
Simmer Down
Simmer Down
Simmer Down
Simmer Down
uh why don't you
don't you
Zion Train
Oh people can't you see that
Life is better that sliver and gold
If you open you eyes you will see the soul train is comig our way
Zion train is coming our way
2000 years of history
We shouldn't clear our mind so easily
'Cause Zion Train is comig our way
Zion Train is... Zion Train is... Zion Train is... Zion Train...
Soul Trains is coming our way
Her hair is thick and black.
She loves he lovley brother lucky Rhoan.
He does not eat eggs or uses engrade to check for missing work.
Marijo loves her little baby brother.
The beast from the middle east
I am the beast
Listens to no priest
I am the best
who needs no rest
I am the one and only person the shines in the middle east
My mother hit the frying pan GONG GONG GONG.Marijo ran so fast all you heard was SWOOSH!Terasa was so angry she stomped on the floor and you heard Bang Bang!!Marijo got so angry she slammed the table on the floor SMASH!!!
I am and will always be better that U
I am a bull
Mighty Marijo Mermers across the land
BOOM BANG her fist goes across your face
The tables talk to me
or they wisper
I am the one the best I should say
The one and only who does things her way
I am better, better than you
not that wimp who watches "blues clues"
If you, Had a dollar would you share
Look at me and you we breath the same air
When I look at the histroy I come from
Watching the world that need a change
I thought man seems like I depend on me
But when I saw Barack I dropped on my knees
Peter Picker Pepper Open you eyes there are small little things that you can't deny
When crash into my arms
I will let you in because I am the boss
When I say not this time I mean it all
especially the one who I saw in the Mall
IN Love With An Angel
When you look up in the sky
Watching the birds fly oh sky high
When you are down and feeling wrong
I know come ask or ring the door that goes ding dong
Still don't get it here is what I mean Look and side and check what you will see
My Life
Living in poverty
And then evil outside
Getting throw the walls
As I break them down
Power makes me stronger
So does pushing my faith
Believe it or not this is the open
Speech of MY LIFE
My Mother
She's Cool
Yet fun she has her times
She is the color yellow
she is like sweet milk from a cow
it's my mommy
Looking for a place to have a perfect Vacation
Hey I am looking for a place to have a perfect Vacation
Someone told me that there is a place called Jamaica
I felt like the sea
Oh I was blue I couldn't believe
It's Jamaica looking right at me.
This might be Jo
Thick black hair
Do what she usually do
I guess she is Jimmy Neutron
Open your eyes
Bright like the sun
You might even fly
To me life is the thing
Ring the bell ding,ding,ding
Welcome to America the release of the beast
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I know a girl who has a I POD
She would always say oh my GOD
When is she going to learn (BOOM)
You play with fire you get burn or end up in your Tomb
Said her boyfriend named Todd.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My Limerick
She was happy to steal the show
But some one thought that they were better
so she throw water and the person got wetter
oh go Marijo Go
Hi I am Mr.Cheeks
sometimes my knees are weak
I don't know what to think
but maybe a wink
I am Mr.Cheeks and it is me who speaks.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Reflection on Bronx Masquerade
The book that I am reading is called Bronx Masquerade. The book is about student who has problems with the way they look and how there life is. In the book the students start to change they think more positive about there selves. So far in the book I met 12 charters. I like the fact that they are starting to think positive about themselves. I cannot relate to anyone.
The character that I like the most in the book is Tanisha because she likes when people look at someone on the inside and not the flesh on the outside. When I am at school all the boys ever talk about is this girl got a donk, They never look at some one on the inside and I know sometimes the girls who get called ugly I know that they just want you to look further beyond. I have a big problem with that because just hate judge mental people. This is a person vs.person
I relate to Lupe because she wants to have a baby at a young age. To me she is stupid because you are to young and you didn't go back to collage yet. The thing that I hate about her is she is stupid she doesn't listen to her self and she is not taking advise from someone who experienced it. The character that I will create is a girl and her name would be JayMary. She would be a positive thinker and missing something in her life but acts like she still has one. She is someone who focus on an early career and makes the right decisions in life. That is my character.
Monday, February 23, 2009
My Vaction
Later that same day I went on the computer to listen to some rapping music written by Mr.Cheeks I love to rap so I get some tips off of his song lights camera action. After I wrote my rap I read it aloud to my mother as she sat in the coach she was tired she just came from work. I goes like this
Who's dat jumping out the sky M.A.I Marijo here we go bring the mask out the girls the black out the boys just pass out better tap out of the top rope as she hit the floor mama is in kitchen making cookie dough what you gonna do when your on your back feeling a body slam all day and yu wack your like what the heck can't you that this girl loves the WWE when you in the face of man mystery flippin' and spinnin' and doing it fast you can't remove the secret mask Who's dat jumping out the sky M.A.I Marijo here we go bring the mask out the girls the black out the boys just pass out better tap out Who's dat jumping out the sky M.A.I Marijo here we go bring the mask out the girls the black out the boys just pass out better tap out Mrs.Mysterious is serious and she gets furious and delirious and everybodys curious you want to know where she is from who is she know not a bam thing she gets busy everyone knows her as crazy meme and it don't matter if you in your house or trapped in a cage what she looks like you all dying to see but guess what look like the winner is me C'mon Who's dat jumping out the sky M.A.I Marijo here we go bring the mask out the girls the black out the boys just pass out better tap out Who's dat jumping out the sky M.A.I Marijo here we go bring the mask out the girls the black out the boys just pass out better tap out oh
Later that day after my crazy rap I decided to watch my favorite Jamaican dvd all day and perform for my mothers friends that was comming over they would be coming back valentines day to so no body misses any thing. The DVD was all about music and a little bit of Jamaican history it is called heart land reggae. Only one friend came over that friday then another they were disrupting my alone play time in the living room I was mad yea but that was not going to stop me from using a book as a guitar in frount of the tv and dancing. My mother found me to be a very energetic child and a young star.
Valentines day: All I did was play music it was cool reggae and lets not forget my favorite song written by Dream Rock'n that thang love it. It was fun I watch the same DVD and left without a word people applaused me I was a little upset because when I am home I do things that is funny to other people but is normal to my family. My mother went out to party which left me and my dad with my brothers and sisters in the house my dad was in the living room and my big sister Jamela and I went to go watch the movie "SHOTTA" it is an Jamaican movie with Bob Marley's son Kymani Marley. That was so much fun I fell asleep.
After Valentines day: I did the same thing for the rest of the days watch Heart land reggae and make blue berries muffin and bake cake my parents loved it so did I, I love to bake just not cookies. I had fun and thats my weekened.
Racism In Everday life
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Similie and Metaphor Poem
My bull is white a silver fish in the river,
White, shimmering crane bird on the riverbank,
White fresh milk!
His roar is thunder to the Turkish cannon on the steep shore.
My bull is dark rain cloud in a storm.
He is summer and winter.
Half of him is a dark storm cloud
Half of him is the light sunshine.
His back shines the morning star.
His brow is red, the back of a hornbill.
His forehead is a flag, calling the people from a distance.
He resembles the rainbow.
I will water him at the river,
With my spear I shall drive my enemies.
Let them water their herds at the well;
The river belongs to me and my bull.
Drink, my bull, form the river; I am here to guard you with my spear.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What Dis Racism Mean
Monday, February 9, 2009
Today in Literacy class I learned about Jim Crow. It means segregation. I think white people had a better chance because they had all rights to do what ever they want. Malcolm X thought that it was not fair so he stood out against it. I don't blame Malcolm at all. Martin Luther King Jr. , Malcolm X, Shirley Chrisholm.
Langston Hughes is a man that wrote poitry about life with Jim Crow. Black people had no right and had no reapect and had to be brave but there was consiquences. The poem that I read in class today is merry go round. Yes people is better off no of days than those days we are happy that those days are finally over. Well working in places to make money and well using the bathrooms lets not forget using bathrooms.
No body likes Jim Crows but the evil white people. Hughes fought against it in poems because haha I know that he hates every little thing about it I do to I don't blame. Chisholm fought against it by trying to be the president and make a change. Malcolm fought vilonce by violince and I think I would of done the same. I don't think so because people would think that they are scared to speak out so what is the point of helping any way.
Where is the Jim Crow section
On this merry-go-round,
Mister, cuase I want to ride?
Down South where I come from
White and colored
Can't sit side by side.
Down South on the train
There's a Jim Crow car.
On the bus we're put in the back--
But there ain't no back
To a merry-go-round!
Where's the horse
For a kid that's black?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Malcom X
Today in class we learned about Malcom X, Malcom X is a man who fought for human rights. He fought vilonce with vilonce. I can compare Malcom to Martin Luther King Jr. because they both fought for the same thing. I would say the diffence between the two is Martin fought in a more pieace full way but that didn't work. Malcom relized and fought fire with fire. The thing what I like about Malcom is he did not take the name that the slave master gave he used X for un known of stolen. I would of done the same thing I like Malcom X a lot.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Jenning's Diary
I guess what now live with Sal my dream and my life my mother will be better soon and I hope Sal takes over to be my father I am so happy and wonder ful life turns out to be the best.
Jenning's Diary
I can't believe that lady Sister A. AKA frog face strip me in front everyone I hate her boo she is so mean that I believe will never happen to me again. I felt embarassed I wanted to run away so I did.
Jenning's Diary
I came home with Walter we moved mom looked terrible she coulden't move oh Jerome came back and I well kind of saw him get rushed to the hospital and mom cut the strings that held her neck in place and she was rushed to the hospital I saw Stacy again she moved and I was lefted alone back into the home I went and pain
Jenning's Diary
The day my mother fell down I was sad I care about my mom. That was not the worst part the worst part was when I was told that I had to go back to a home I was ready to go and see Mark but I knew that was impossible I heard about my father being a drunk man I had a lot to seek. I saw Jerome, I am only 10 and I have a lot of preasure on my shoulders.
Jenning's Diary
Sampling Methods
- Random: Julian asked teachers randomly standing in front of the school if they liked dunken donuts.
- Convenient: The first 20 teachers that walk near by me
- Biased: Julian asked teachers going to dunken donuts.
Monday, February 2, 2009
How do we use spreadsheets to create graphs?
Friday, January 30, 2009
I have moved from home to home of the Angels to home to another orphanage. I feel lost sad and lonely. I saw my family and was happy to but my mother got sick again so we had gotten split up once again. When I got to the orphanage the new sister... Sister Barbara she was so mean and terrifying.
I met new friends but I had one specific friend and his name is Steve. He's a part timer just like me. His father beat him and promised him he won't hit him any more but he does. That is a main reason why Steve is here and is sad because of. I feel terrible for him but what can I do.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Jennings Diary Entry
I thank you so much for being apart of my family I mean with out you I really don't think I would be able to you know live through the problems I am going through in life. I know you are not really my dad but I feel like you are my daddy. Thank you so much, Oh gosh I don't know how else to put it but thank you.
Sincerly, Jennings