Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The games

The game that I enjoyed the most was called Wizard poetry. In this game I studied the following skills of rhyming and alliteration. In order to win this game I had to know what alliteration meant. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was it testing my skills. My partner was Teresa Santiago. She did not beat me in any of these games I won them all.

The game that I enjoyed the 2nd most was called Pirate Spelling . In this game I studied the following skills rhyming. In order to win this game I had to you had to rhyme. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was helping the pirate help his pirate learn how to spell. My partner was Teresa she still didn't make it up to this game.

The game that I least enjoyed was called Metaphor quiz. In this game I studied the following skills Metaphors and Similes. In order to win this game I had to know metaphor and similes. The thing I least enjoyed about this game was it was a quiz . My partner was Teresa and once again no she did not make it.

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